Monday, November 30, 2009

Samantha Swartz Redo

Corrie Brown - reshoot

I reshot using these two Robert Mapplethorpe photos as reference, which also show the certain approach to lighting that I have been exploring for this assignment.

Final 5 RE

Friday, November 27, 2009

Reenact Photo Assign 5

I took a series of photos of the same location and divided the photographs into three. I chose the three photos that best represented the detail that I wanted and then photoshopped them together and retouched them.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Bvines 5 Shots

Like everyone else, going to re-shoot over break but here's what I have.

Monday, November 23, 2009


These two pictures are examples of what I was trying to replicate with the two of my dad below. I Tried to give a more "grown man" impression in the photographs. The two examples are more like a young man trying to sell sex appeal in my eyes. I wanted a grown man that shows personality in the picture.

Katey Shelton Re- 5

Dylan Johnston

I still plan on doing the underwater shots over the break but shot these anyway.

Nikki Geletka

I picked a Cindy Sherman FIlm Still, and really liked this one. However im going to reshoot and experiment with her other film stills and see how they come out.

Corrie Brown

Since there wasn't enough sunlight this weekend to do the photo I intended, I chose this Josef Sudek photo instead. I plan to follow through with my original idea this week also.

i am not that happy with these i plan on reshooting it over the holiday weekend.
FYI picasa wasnt working for some reason tonight for me

Courtney Anderson

this is my new idea.

Catie's Re- Photos

Re photo

I want to re make this as a photograph, only in a floridian landscape. This painting is titled Grand Teton National Park, Landscape Hasta La Vista.

Five Re-

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Corrie Brown

This is one of my favorite photos by Alfred Stieglitz. I want to capture the way the light streaming through a window not only illuminates the subject, but is a compositional element in itself.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Samantha Swartz

I want to show motion in my image, by jumping or something. But at the same time i want it to be stop motion and be why not somehow recreate this image

Courtney Anderson

I was thinking of doing something like this, but finding a part of their body that clearly represents them without seeing their face.
I'm gonna redo this photo in a very different way. The costume will be made out of recyclables and it may be combined with some nature, to show the variety of waste products and how they are now tied together to nature polluting the environment.

Dylan Johnston

This is an album cover of an artist I really like. I have always liked this shot and I would be able to shoot this over the Thanksgiving break but will have to shoot something different for tuesday.

Taylor Trostle

I'm pretty sure I'm going to do this image, and if not, I would like to do a similar image by Ryan McGinley. I want to use my friends as subjects and recreate this feeling of freedom in nature.

Sherryl Lopez

I was thinking I would do something in multiples. Preferably triptych.

Catie's Re- image

I thought this image a little funny, especially after reading the caption that went along with it:
"Toes look very grapelike and edible to me."

I thought I might try re-creations that could reach several different people that have different thoughts on feet.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

[EDIT] bvines image

Okay, Short-Notice but i changed my mind. I really want to do something like this.

they are tilt-shift photographs that make real life look like minatures. i couldn't find a specific one i want to emulate so i put several up. i think these are really awesome :D

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Grace Sigona RE Images

heres the image i was thinking about using one is the painting of the girl with the pearl earring and the other is a film still from the movie. I wanted to use the painting of the girl with the pearl earring but i wanted to somehow incorporate a modern twist to my image.